Designed for through or blind hole tapping with a specific cutting geometry for gray cast irons and those materials producing broken chips
Also ideal for non-metallics, cast brass and other brass materials producing broken powdery chips
Nitride and steam oxide coating reduces wear and chip welding in abrasive materials
Nitriding is a process that is used to increase the hardness and wear resistance of the surface of a tool
It is particularly suitable for taps that are used on abrasive materials such as cast iron, bakelite
Nitriding is used on twist drills when it is desirable to increase the strength and wear resistance of the cylindrical lands
Steam tempering gives a strongly adhering blue oxide surface that acts to retain cutting fluid and prevent chip to tool welding, thereby counteracting the formation of a built-up edge
Steam tempering can be applied to any bright tool but is most effective on drills and taps
A medium alloyed high speed steel that has good machinability and good performance
HSS exhibits hardness, toughness and wear resistance characteristics that make it attractive in a wide range of applications